Back to School with Covid
4 tips to help you adjust
The beginning of each school year is inherently a new and exciting time for students, parents and teachers. However, after 18 months of being stuck at home due to COVID-19, what has changed at MCDS? COVID has undoubtedly affected the whole world, from the larger community to each individual person. Everyone has had a unique experience with the pandemic as it has affected lives, jobs, and hope.
Throughout 2020 no one knew what the coronavirus was, how long it would linger and what the ideal outcome of the crisis was. We’re now all collectively making adjustments to our daily lives to continue to live safely such as: washing our hands more frequently, wearing masks, being aware not to touch your face, not sharing food and or drinks with other people and social distancing.
With this new normal, here are four reminders to remember as we navigate through this pandemic together.
Have a good attitude
Confusing is a good word to describe this year. Continue to remind yourself that life won’t be this way forever. During these past months we’ve all overcome challenges and have grown from this experience in our own way.
After a year of struggling with doing work online, school is finally back on. Reasons you should be excited: seeing your friends, being back on campus, getting out of the house, seeing your favorite teachers, being put into a routine, being around others and so much more.
Make the most out of a bad situation
The new reality is becoming comfortable with constant change. In order to grow you have to keep trying, COVID has knocked us down in so many ways but we’re continuing to fight. Things are constantly changing and we’re taking this opportunity to rethink how things have always been done.

Help others adjust
Talk to your friends, family, and loved ones to let them know you’re there for them. It’s important to be there for others and try to consider people’s feelings.
Ms. Ana Molina, Upper School Guidance Counselor, agrees that it is a challenge to adjust to the changes after a very difficult and non-typical year.
“We are still getting adjusted to all the changes that are still present. Remember that we need each other to continue moving forward,” Ms. Molina said. “Take time to listen and don’t hesitate to reach out to someone if you are not feeling well and need to talk. The load is lighter when we share it.”
We’re all in this together
As we’ve seen time and time again, when we come together we can achieve miraculous things. Whatever it is you’re going through, you’re not alone. Everything you’re feeling, we all are too.
All people know is that they want this virus that has put our lives on hold to come to an end. People now finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with the new COVID vaccine. Although 2020 was a tough year in so many ways, people did everything they could to try to make life seem more normal and find creative solutions to problems posed by the pandemic. Just two years ago, no one would have predicted that students would be learning at home in the midst of a global virus outbreak, but now we can all be more thankful than ever before to be back in school as a community.
MCDS guidance counselor, Ms. Pierce encourages student to reach out if they need anything. “I like to say there is always a solution. We may not always like it, but there is one!”