How Will Socializing Be Different?
Photograph by KSD
Shielding us from harm has become our new normal on campus.
September 20, 2020
Being close to each other is natural, but at this time, when we are still plagued with pandemic, shielding us from harm is of paramount importance. But that doesn’t mean we can’t socialize. Kelly Pierce, Director of School Counseling and Upper School Counselor was asked to answer this question for The Spartacus: How is interacting socially with other people going to work like? How will it change?
Her response was not edited:
“Interacting socially with other people in the Hybrid schedule is going to be different because of social distancing and our commitments to wearing masks and staying safe and healthy.
We can still talk with one another as long as we are wearing our masks and keeping the safe and recommended distance between one another. It will feel different because we cannot give high fives or friendly hugs……. for now. But that does not mean we cannot enjoy air hugs and eye-smiles!
Let’s try to remember that from the beginning of the pandemic, social distancing has really only meant physical distancing for health and safety. Relationships and connecting with others are important for all of us and crucial for our social and emotional well-being.
Whether you are online or on-campus, please reach out if you need to talk or need support.”
Thank you Ms. Pierce