Low Turnout; High Morale
A Lone Senior Plays His Final Game
Photograph by RMendelson
The tradition continues…Morgan W at his basketball Senior Night.
Usually when you think of Senior Night Games, you think of spirited students cheering on their friends, parents tearing up, enthusiastic cheerleaders and the emotion of the night as the seniors play their last home game ever. However, Boys Varsity Basketball did it a little bit differently this year. As the sole senior on the squad, Morgan Weisberg described what the night was like.“It was nice to have my friends and family there supporting me.” Morgan was asked whether the low turnout affected the overall morale of the night. He responded, “Even though there weren’t many people in attendance, I did feel the love from everyone who was there.” Coach Sennett also weighed in on the history of Senior Night and how these events came to be. “We officially started these in 2003, my first official year as Athletic Director.” While all teams are honored at the end of their seasons, he explained, the school has taken it a step further when it comes to the Homecoming Football Game, where it’s become a tradition to “honor everyone [playing] in the Fall at Homecoming. So people realize that Homecoming is much more than just for football.”
Whether big or small, Senior Nights at Miami Country Day are a great way to honor senior athletes who lead their teams on the field. Senior Morgan Weisberg summed it up perfectly. “It didn’t matter how many seniors there were or how many people were in attendance. What made the night memorable were my teammates and coaches cheering for me and the people I love getting to witness my last ever home game.”
This is Senior Ryan Mendelson's second year on staff.
Where I Was Born Miami, Florida
Why I joined The Spartacus To further my knowledge...

Sasha Vaygensberg is a senior at MCDS and she’s so excited to return back to The Spartacus this year! Sasha joined The Spartacus last year to pursue...
Roberto Preiss • Oct 11, 2020 at 1:52 pm
I think that although there was not too many people viewing that night, The love was felt by the players and the love was also felt throughout this article. Personally, it doesn’t matter how many you are surrounded with if you feel the love vibrating throughout the room. While i read this article I can tell that the MCDS sports line are a group of positive supporters who love seeing their team succeed and help their team deal with losses.