Pay 4 Play?
Photograph by C Zmirou
Morgan Dent talks with former student-athlete and coach Jeff Watson on his take on the new law.
On October 30th, California Governor Gavin Newson signed the Fair Pay to Play Act into law, which allows college athletes to hire agents and be paid for endorsements. This law bypasses the longstanding NCAA ban on players’ receiving monetary benefits. After the California lawmakers came out with the pay to play law, this changed the game.

Sportscasters, athletes, sponsors and, here at Country Day, many students and coaches have opinions on this topic. Our reporter Morgan Dent investigates what might be next for student-athletes.

This is Senior Morgan's second year at MCDS, second on The Spartacus and first as our Online Editor.
Joao Da Fonte • Feb 23, 2021 at 10:39 pm
I like how you used several sources varying from coaches to students, who were all very different (one was former NFL, one former college athlete, and one current varsity basketball player). These three all had different opinions and that gave viewers a wider range of thought on the topic. I like this topic and think it should be further explored, aside from that great work.