NEW ON CAMPUS: Nadia Zananiri

Photograph by Nico Palop

Upper School Humanities Teacher Ms. Zananiri

In our new series, we’ll be featuring new Spartan faculty members. Each interview will be conducted by a different staff member. Photography by Nico Palop.

Sofia Paredes: What are you teaching this year?”

Ms. Zananiri: This year I’m teaching world history, world literature, a fall course on genocides and a spring course on the Art of War.

SP: And what did you teach before you came to Miami Country Day?

NZ: AP World History and AP Human Geography…at Miami Beach High School.

SP: What’s the best and worst part about teaching for you?

NZ: The best is that I enjoy working with the students. [The worst is] all the grading. All the other things that go behind the scenes, the grading, the planning.

SP: What would you like students to know about you?

NZ: I’d like them to know that I do care about their education. I try to give them a global perspective and many different points of views about different issues. I try to remain neutral in the classroom. I do try to give in a sense of humor at times although that’s hard with a course like genocide. I want them to enjoy their learning experience.

SP: Thank you.