March 14th Walkout Not Sanctioned…but Allowed

Teachers Forbidden to Accompany Students Off Campus

After the tragic shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th, students everywhere were left heartbroken. Now, students have decided to take action. On March 14th at 10am students all over the U.S. will be walking off school campuses.  Senior Ava Hansen, one of the MCDS organizers  wrote on a Group Facebook page aptly called “MCDS Walkout” that the intention is “to protest Congress’ inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers in response to the gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods.”

Besides Hanson,  John Sayfie and Daniel Dana have taken the lead to organize an off campus walk.  All Upper School students who wish to participate will march from the gym parking lot to the Miami Shores Village Hall, where a few students including Ellie Cohen, Karen Rosenbloom and Ryan Finvarb, are scheduled to speak.

On campus, the school will hold a 17 minute vigil from 10am until 10:17am, in remembrance of the seventeen killed in Parkland. But Upper School Director Donald Ball, Dr. John Davies and Jose Oronoz made it clear in a letter home to parents that the off-campus event “is not sanctioned by the school.” Although there will be no disciplinary consequences as a result of participation, “all missed time from school will be counted as an absence.” The administration, furthermore, wants everyone to know that students who do not receive parent permission may not participate in the student walkout off campus. Parents may email Upper School Director, Mr. Donald Ball ([email protected]) or Upper School Dean of Students, Mr. Jose Oronoz ([email protected]) to confirm their awareness of their child’s plan. 

For more information, join the Facebook page MCDS Walkout.