SG Elections: For SGA Public Relations Director…

Student Government and Class Council Candidates – 2017-2018 The following are the campaign goals of each candidate running for Student Government and Class Council for the 2017-2018 school year. The goals are included below exactly as they were written by the candidates. Please read carefully and choose wisely!
SGA Public Relations Director – Candidates: Daniel Gallup and Gaby Palmisano
Daniel Gallup – Candidate for SGA Public Relations Director
Here are my goals for the (2017-2018) year as Student Government Public Relations Director:
Campaign Goal 1: Increase the role of Student Government. They should be consulted for every decision made that impacts the students of Miami Country Day. With a new upper school director in place we will have the opportunity to reshape the amount of responsibility that comes with being a representative of the student’s voice.
Goal 1 Timeline: After the election, the board will meet with Ms. Kelly to form our game plan. Later this summer we will meet with Mr. Ball (the new upper school director) in order to discuss with him about how we would like to become a more active Student Government. This change should come before the next school year starts.
Campaign Goal 2: Revisit the scheduling of Minimester: it’s impossible for Winter/Spring athletes to participate in any off campus Minimesters. The goal would be to come up with a better system where Minimester would operate on a three year schedule where each year it switches to the next season. Therefore, every student will have the opportunity to go on one of these great trips.
Goal 2 Timeline: Though it can’t happen in the year when I would be elected I would work to make sure it happens in the next year (2018-2019).
Campaign Goal 3: Redefine what a Miami Country day student looks like according to the student hand book. (Facial hair, Unusual hair color, etc.) In one of the regularly scheduled meetings (Look above to Goal #1), we will be able to discuss all sorts of issues and the reasoning behind them. One of the most important: why having a beard or different color hair somehow makes you a less competent student or somehow a bad representation of MCDS.
Goal 3 Timeline: This is a goal that I feel with the proper motivation could occur over the summer into this coming school year.
Thanks so much, Your Future Public Relations Director (Daniel Gallup)
Gaby Palmisano – Candidate for SGA Public Relations Director
I would like to run for program director of the upper school!
Here are my three goals:
1) to come up with good ideas for a homecoming theme
2) try to get more out side food orders like the chicken kitchen
3) make student life more comfortable and better!!